Your place to study.

Latte organizes and assists in your studies so that you can dive straight into the work.

The stakes

Is gathering your courses' information a nightmare? Are you overwhelmed by deadlines?  Are you asked to use multiple applications for group projects by your teammates?

While studying with digital tools is very helpful to keep yourself organized, it can sometimes become a real hassle to juggle between your calendar, note taking app, your school's application, and all the different tools your group projects' members decided to use!

If you join Latte, you will...

Never miss a deadline again

Latte automatizes the registration and prioritization of your tasks. Anyone in one of your groups or your class/section can add a deadline (homework, project submission, exams...) to the group's calendar.

Latte will then synchronizes the events relevant to the courses you take to your own calendar.

Get a clear overview of your work

Have all your tasks organized and crunch through them one by one with a TODO list synchronized with your calendar.

Tasks are ordered depending on their deadline and you can start focus sessions to start working on them.

Always have someone to guide you

Ask or answer questions about homework, orientation, and any other study-related concerns to other students who have a wide variety of experiences!

Have all your tools in one place

Instead of using generic social media groups (WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram...), have a specialized group chat for your group projects!

Find important group feature you can expect to be able to work on a group project (Link bookmarking, project notes, file storage, ...) within the application.

Thanks to the integration of your calendar, you can event find meeting times easily.

Collaborative Calendar

You can stop spending so much time on organizing your calendar, or try to use the unreliable one the professors sometimes updates, your classmates will help you have a perfectly up-to-date one!

Group Project

Social medias are not an ideal place to coordinate group projects, are they? With Latte, you will have all the features you need in one place, for every projects!

By Students, For Students

Unlike other generic tools that you can use to organize yourself, Latte takes into account your courses and the other aspects of the study life!

Help us make Latte the study app of your dreams!

Collaborative Calendar

How useful would be a participative calendar that all your class/section can contribute to? Required field!
I can organize myself just fine I need this so bad
How useful would be an integrated project group chat? Required field!
The group chats we already have are fine More adapted than a WhatsApp group!
How useful to you would be the help with homework platform? Required field!
I do my homeworks alone I really want to find other students to help me! / I really want to help other students!

Take control of your studies now


Café Vanille

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